BF Update: Arie’s Season

Hello, friends! We’re very sorry for the delay here. The best excuse that we can offer is that we’ve both been in low key sugar comas for the past 2 weeks (if you’re not eating a cookie before you even brush your teeth in the morning, you’re doing December all wrong).

Anyway, we’ll cut to the chase: we have chosen not to continue with BachFantasy for Arie’s season.


Truly, it’s not you, it’s us. We love you guys. You have been loyal and supportive for the past four years and have made this so much fun for us. However, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to run this as our side hustle given other demands on our time. We know many of you manage huge leagues and count on us each season to score, so it wasn’t a decision we made lightly. We hope you understand, and know how grateful we are for all who have played along with us for the past four years.

We plan to leave the site live, so all the points categories will still be accessible. If you liked our scoring system, feel free to use it and score for your leagues individually. We know this is extra work for you (trust us…we know how much work it is…), but do want to keep it available for anyone who is interested.

Again, we can’t thank all of you enough for the past few years. We’ve had a blast running the site and playing along with you each season.

Yours in snark,

Becca and Jorie

61 thoughts on “BF Update: Arie’s Season

  1. Jess says:

    Oh no. My league already drafted and I’d like to keep it alive. Does anyone know of alternative scoring methods and websites? I’m afraid of not catching everything if I score it myself without broader community oversight to catch missed points.

    • Jess says:

      I forgot to thank you two for all the time and effort you’ve devoted to this. It has made for an amazing experience for me and the dozens of folks I’ve had in my leagues the past few years.

      I’d be happy to work with others on crowd-sourcing points, or maybe seeing if others would be willing to chip in like I would to compensate someone for the time spent doing this for the season. With the number of people that use this site, I’d think we could crowdfund enough to make it worth someone’s while.

      • Bach Fantasy says:

        You guys are the best. Thank you! It really does make us sad to think about not scoring this season and are so grateful for all our loyal and fun followers!!

    • Jessica says:

      Same!!! 😢😢 Let us know if you find something!!

      Ps–Thanks so much ladies!! Loved the witty comments every week and you taking your time out of your lives to score!

  2. Chris V says:

    I…….I…….I just don’t know what to say other than……I feel like I just had a death in the family. Thank you so much for getting me through the winter months! I run a league of 14 and I’m still trying to figure out how to break the news. Maybe after a couple shots at the bar. Yea, that’s it.
    Just to clarify, are you taking just this next season off (let’s be honest, Arie is less than stellar) or are you hanging up your snarky comments for good? I’ll gladly accept either however, it might take me a few weeks (minutes) to get over.
    Again, thank you for all the time and effort you’ve put into this. 🌹

    • Bach Fantasy says:

      Chris, you’re killing us! We’re so sorry to leave a BachFantasy-shaped hole in your heart. For now, you should consider this an indefinite break – we’ll keep you postd here should that change. Thank you so much for playing along with us – we will really miss it!

  3. Cass says:

    NOOOOO!!!! :(

    For reals tho thank you thank you thank you so much for everything you have done these past several seasons. Every year I (as the commish) appreciate everything you two do, and although upset, totally understand. I get how much time you put into this. I’ll be watching to see if anyone steps up, or if we can crowd source the points tracking?

    Thanks for the amazing snark. Here’s hoping you still tweet some sass out during the show.

    • Bach Fantasy says:

      Thank you so much, Cass! We equally appreciate you playing along and supporting our site! I hope you are able to find a way to crowd source points!

      We’ll still hit you all with a snarky tweet here and there. That’s one thing we really can’t quit.

    • Jessica More says:

      Cass- please join us at Bachelor Fantasy Crowd Source Points

      • Cass says:

        Yes! just found it on FB. Excited to see where this goes. :)

      • Alex says:

        I have also requested to join the fb group! I’m ready to help score.

      • Lauren says:

        I have just submitted a request to join the group, I am more than willing to help however I can! I was devastated when I saw the news, but at the same time, can completely appreciate that you ladies have other wonderful things going on in your lives outside of BF :) Thank you for all of the hard work that y’all have done!

      • Requested as well! This is awesome my office league can now continue!

  4. JBot says:

    Just when I thought 2017 couldn’t get any worse…

  5. Kristin says:

    Thank you, Becca and Jorie, for years of fun and snark! I would be up for crowd sourcing the points tracking–my league is between 18-24 women each season so I would love the help. Is everyone on Facebook? We could create a private FB group of league commissioners to track the points each week?

  6. Jenn says:

    As sad as I am, I completely understand. I can only imagine how time-consuming it must be to do the scoring with all those categories AND maintain the website.

    That being said, I have bravely chosen to forge ahead and commission a league. I would be more than willing to crowdsource scoring with the others who must continue on this journey to witness the finding of love and Instagram followers.

  7. Annie McGuinness says:

    oh my gosh i am too sad but thank you guys for doing this for so long!!

    my league is already freaked about the news and i was planning to just score each episode myself to keep the league alive, but if there is a Facebook Group created for commissioners, pleaaaaasssseeeeee add me! I would help crowd source points!

  8. Kristin says:

    I created a quick FB group where we can crowd source. Search for the group called Bachelor Fantasy Crowd Source Points

  9. Nadia Bonn says:

    Best wishes. It’s been fun but I’m kinda over the bachelor. I’m not even excited for the new season. Thanks for your hard work on points and snark. Your fantasy draft kept me and my girlfriends watching much longer than we would’ve otherwise. It’s been swell.

    Love, nadia Aka: “rose before hoes”, “guns and Roses”, and “team dolphinatly winning”.

  10. Ashley says:

    I am so sad to hear this. You guys were great and coming from a girl who never watched Bachelor you gave me a reason to watch. I know in my group me and 2 other girls will be scoring on a card each week what points we see and then we will collaborate and make changes as needed. We only plan on scoring the guys the girls draft because we all know there is that Random Boring Bob no one drafts so no need to score points for him lol. Thank you for all the hard work you ladies did I hope we can keep the torch lit in your absence.

    I just requested to join the Facebook group. I have between 12-24 women and 1 guy in our league.

  11. Chris Johnson says:

    I’m commissioner of a 30 person league and we’ve loved these posts and scoring. Would you consider allowing me to run the page for a season and see how it goes? We take it seriously but love to have fun with it, we even did a black tie party for the finale last year. I can send pictures but they’re on my Instagram @chriskj92.

    Can I become an administrator and keep track of the points and post the scores with episode recaps? Would definitely appreciate a shot at this so we can keep this going because it’s been SO MUCH FUN. Thanks again for all you have done thus far.

    Thank you,

    Chris Johnson

    I’m open to discuss this via phone/email.

    • Kristin says:

      Chris, join our Facebook group that we started! We’ve already got 47 people and we are assigning contestants now!

      • Danielle Marie Zielinski says:

        I’m late to this news, but happy to help score! BachFantasy must continue! Just requested to join the Facebook group.

  12. Dani Rogers says:

    Hi ladies,

    First of all thank you so much for all of your hard work over the last couple years. I personally have been with you since Ben’s season and have had a real blast.

    I have several people who have been doing it with me the whole time so I hate to stop now.

    Can you help me with the following?

    1. How much time each week does it take you to track the points? 2. How do you keep track of the names of the contestants in the beginning? Print their photos or something so you know? 3. Will you send us out another email if someone is willing to take over for you guys?

    I am considering tallying the points myself as I’m currently on maternity leave and have the time 😜 but not sure how that will work once I go back to work. Also, any general tips or tracks to not going insane while doing this? I don’t want to have to watch each episode a million times.

    Thank you so much! And again thanks for all the fun! Dani


  13. Zoe Knudtson says:

    Thank you Becca and Jorie for all your hard work. My the rose be with you.

  14. Caroline V. says:

    I am in mourning upon hearing this news! But so grateful for the many seasons you ladies gave us. Thank you for all the creativity and hard work, Becca and Jorie!

  15. Hillary says:

    As we prepare for the premier tonight we will be sad to not have the regular Bach Fantasy snark and wit to look forward to, but THANK YOU so much for all of the past time (HOURS each episode I’m sure) and effort you’ve put into this! It’s been much appreciated!! We give our final roses to you!🌹😘

  16. Krista says:

    Ditto to all the thank yous to the BP ladies!! I ‘commision’ a league using this site for pts and write weekly emails to my crew. Always love the commentary!!

    I will check out the FB group I saw mentioned above! Thanks so much ladies and fellow Bachelor fans!

  17. Kristin says:

    Happy New Year and Happy Bachelor Premiere Day! Becca and Jorie, I thought you’d like to know that we have 192 people in the Facebook group all coming together to share our love of Bachelor and crowd source the point scoring.

    • Jess says:

      The Facebook group now has 600 members (and counting). Becca and Jorie, thank you again for creating such a great point system, your years of tabulating and snarky recaps, and bringing so many people together.

  18. JessY says:

    So devastated to hear! We’ve been using the site for so many seasons! Hoping you ladies will take up the torch again next season because the snark really helps with my own recaps.

    In the mean time THANK YOU to whoever started the “Bachelor Fantasy Crowd Source Points”, I’ve requested a join for my league.

  19. Sara says:

    Happy New Year and millions of thanks (and virtual roses) to all you’ve done to foster the Bach Fantasy community as evidenced by the crowd-sourced scoring! We definitely appreciate all your hard work in the original tabulation PLUS dealing with our infinite “but what about” followups in the comments. Good luck to you in all your upcoming endeavors particularly the hobbies you will take up in your new spare time – I’m expecting to see bronze statues of Chris H. and Jorge fanfic anthologies hitting the merch pages soon!

  20. Sarah Byers says:

    Thanks for doing it for so long! Going to miss you! Hope to be added on the fb group!

  21. Danica says:

    Thank you so much for all of your hard work ladies! Your weekly snarkicles (snarky articles) have been a JOY to read and I will miss them. However, I fully understand how hard it would be to do all of this work on top of your jobs and tons of other responsibilities! Again, thank you! xoxoxo

  22. Meaghan Carroll says:

    After doing the scoring myself this past season I really don’t know how you ladies did it this long! This is some serious work! I would love in on that facebook group if possible as I take on another season of scoring with Becca! My league has some decent money in the pot and I couldn’t leave my guys and girls hanging. It’s just too much fun and you guys really had the best scoring template around!!

    • Kristin says:

      Meaghan, feel free to join us if you haven’t already! Request an add to the group Bachelor Fantasy Crowd Source Points. 723 members and growing!

      • Casey says:

        Hi there! Will the Facebook group be doing Colton’s season this year? I don’t have Facebook so I can’t see the group. Thank you.

  23. Kristin says:

    Casey, the Facebook group is doing Colton’s season. We have over 800 members currently–if you ever decide to get FB, we’d love to have you join us!

  24. Meg says:

    If anyone is still skulking around here, there is a new Bach Fantasy site called Whaboom. You can create a league and the scoring is consistent with this site’s. It’s new so they’re making improvements all the time.

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